In that moment! |
I'm wondering what if Socrates was here now in our generation today, Who would he ultimately challenge and what would it be about? Let's say ; he challenge President Obama.....LOL.....okay here is how it would go.
Inviting you to the round table, I know is very intriguing to you sir? You very well can say that Mr. President but my interest is in the Ethics of life sir not at all in boisterous fame. I and some of my colleagues were discussing what is just and what is injustice, and it was quite retrieving to me in which Cephal and Polemarchus didn't give much thought to their concept. What made you think that Socrates, are they not in-title to there own perception? Their thought of perception relied on conventional or inherited wisdom assuming that justice is a virtue without being able to explain how or why. Oh! Not to mention the thoughts of Thrasymachus believing that justice is the advantage of the strongest! Well I can't disagree Socrates, like in today's world I have created law's to help the poor and needy such as college funds, health benefits, tax breaks, economic relief, and etc. So do you think Sir that it defines just? It may solve poverty in today's society , wouldn't you think Socrates......Um So do you say that this way is what we call "The Good Life?" Most definitely! I believe in Equal Opportunity. Okay, so you believe that if an individual pertain all of these quote on quote "Equal Opportunity", that this will be a form of justice? Hahaha, now I see why they call you the Gadfly of Athens! I beg your pardon, Now this is an act of injustice with the name calling and being incompetent of the fact that YOU have no aspect of how to run this country! Now do you? Socrates can you wear a size 14 shoes? #$@! I don't see how this have anything to do with our discussion! Just answer the question Socrates! I reckon not, I wear a size 8 or 9. I wear a size 14 in shoes and the way I see this is you CAN'T WEAR MY SHOES! And I WOULDN'T WANT TO WEAR YOURS! How Aporia is that Mr. President! I just believe that power should be in the hands of wise and virtuous person and that justice isn't always good in itself, You have a swell day sir and try not to break a leg.
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