Sunday, November 29, 2015

White bear, nightmare

The video we watched in class stayed with me for a while. It made me feel sympathy for someone who had murdered a young girl. It made me feel disgusted at what the other people had done to her. But it also made me think about what justice truly means. Are we even capable of instilling real justice? Do we as humans have the right to punish other people? I feel like what the other characters in the movie we watched did was immoral. It was to the point where the woman could no longer remember what she had done anymore. How can we punish someone for something they have done when they can no longer remember what it is? This makes me wonder how we treat prisoners. I do think that people need to be held accountable for their actions. I feel like what they did in the video was overkill. I know that people have the need to feel like justice has been served. I also know that people often don't realize the extent to what they are doing when they are too close to it. I think that seeing it from an outside perspective helped me gain a better understanding of the cruelty that was being instilled. I also think that watching it helped me see what was truly happening. I feel like if I had read about this in an article I would have leaned to supporting the punishment rather than seeing its cruelty. I also liked that this movie showed the actions from the person who was being tortured point of view. I think a lot of times when we hear about these issues they are biased towards the person who is doing the punishing. I wonder if they would have left the main character's memory intact at the end if she could have done something to better herself? Maybe she would feel guilty about what she had done and might gain perspective into that young girl's feelings. I think that would have been more productive than just torturing the main character over and over. I feel like that should be the goal of our justice system. It should be about legitimate rehabilitation rather than just feeling like we are punishing people who have done bad things. I feel like what the main character had done was truly wrong. But what made this movie linger with me is that I can see something like this really happening. I can see people actually participating and agreeing with this form of "justice". There is something disturbing about how excited the actors are at the end of the movie. They truly believe what they are doing is just and productive. I feel like people in our society might feel the same way.

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