Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Not About Catfish

I lied. Catfishing is becoming a bigger problem with more social media sites and even more personal information being shared online. It was never a problem for me since I might be considered a catfish. Being taught how bad the world is at an early age, I never put my real information on the web. I watched shows like Unsolved Mysteries and murder shows with the creepy old man telling about how people, including children, ended up kidnapped or murdered, and it gave me formal knowledge of how easy it is to get into sticky situations. Fearing that some man would look me up and kidnapp me, I lied about most of my information like my birthday, age, address, and other vulnerable info like that. It wasn't until social media officially took over the world and started to become an actual part of us, that I felt the need to show who I really was. Social media and our digital selves now actually affect who we are in real life. From jobs, seeing people who you only saw on social media, to even situations like craigslist where you actually have to meet someone you only knew from a computer screen, the digital self of people today is almost directly connected to who and where we are.

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