Sunday, November 29, 2015

Are You Serious?

In the short film, "white bear" the main character was tortured repeatedly for the crime that she committed. The crime was helping her boyfriend kidnap and kill a young girl. Now to most that is just a big no no, everyone knows that kids are off limits, out of the question. For some reason the only excuse she had for her actions were that she was basically manipulated by her boyfriend into doing the crime. They showed her repeatedly day after day what she had done, and she continued to ask to be put out of her misery. Now I know what she did was wrong, but who gives anyone but the law the right to decide someone's punishment. At this point I felt that they were messing with her mental state and that is something people should not play with. Mental torture can do some serious damage to someone. Any type of torture is wrong, physical/ mental it is all still immoral no matter how you look at it. I believe that the community got justice confused with revenge. The community revolves around this "holier than thou" facade, i'm pretty sure if someone pulled the skeletons out of their closet they would be in the same predicament as the girl.  In a way I feel as if the community is no better than she is, they watched a woman get terrified and borderline tortured without saying one word about it. I'm pretty sure they felt as if they were doing what was right for the community and avenging the girl's murder, but in the end it is just tearing down another person along the way. If they felt so strongly about what the woman did they should have went about it the right way; and took her to jail. It all leads to the fact that the communities' actions are not just or moral at all.

1 comment:

  1. I felt like the entertainment at someone's suffering is wrong, but the action the woman did was wrong so I believe it's all on someone's mindset on how to view the action
